Speaker presentation

Marta Pajek


Marta Pajek is an award-winning Polish animation filmmaker. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, she studied at the Animated Film Studio headed by legendary animator Jerzy Kucia. Pajek later trained under the mentorship of Estonian animator Priit Pärn at the Turku Arts Academy in Finland. Pajek’s filmmaking style has been shaped by an interest in the arts and graphic design, as well as dance, psychology, spirituality and human experiences. She has directed several animated shorts, including Sleepincord and the award winning triptych  Impossible Figures and other stories.

Impossible Figures and other stories – writing a triptych

Impossible Figures and other stories film triptych, created in the technique of drawn animation. The lecture will give an insight into the process of writing triptych, from the first idea to developing the final concept. Marta Pajek will also take a look at the multitude of inspirations and motifs, which helped her build the narration of the three stories and share the details of working on sound and music for the films.
