REX is a yearly film festival focused on bringing the very best of European animation to Stockholm and Sweden. This selection of European animation is a smorgasbord of inspiring short film productions for adult audiences. From unusual stop-motion materials to street art, optical illusions, current issues in today’s Europe, and personal storytelling, each film has a style of its very own. We have the privilage to screen EUNIC, a selection of short animations. Read more in Short Film Program section.
REX erbjuder unika filmvisningar, samtal, studenttävling, gästprogram och deltagandeaktiviteter på temat animation. Genomförandet bygger på samarbeten med europeiska kulturinstitut (EUNIC Stockholm), filmdistributörer, intresseföreningar, lokala biografer, skolor, bibliotek, kulturskola, kulturhus m.m. REX är även en nationell och internationell aktör som bjuds in till programläggning på andra festivaler.