Speaker presentation

Elisabeth Lysander

Elisabeth Lysander is a freelance writer, living in Stockholm and regularly writing about animated film in the magazine Filmrutan.

She has a degree in art history, and worked throughout the 1970s at Swedish television, SVT. She worked in the department for children’s programming in a time when the greater works of animation history could be bought and shown on Swedish television. She has also worked at the Swedish Film Institute, where she had various responsibilities, including the import of children’s films. She is one of the founders of the animation organization SAAVA (Swedish Animation and Visual Arts).

After she left the film institute, Lysander spent several years researching and intervewing for the biography Per Åhlin – bildmakare och animatör that was published 2013. In the book she documents the work of the legendary Swedish animator Per Åhlin, whom she will be intervewing on stage at the Trollywood Animation Festival.